
7-Day Raw Vegetables Fast: Day 1

New year, new me.

I have decided to start 2010 off with a fast of only water and a limited amount of organic raw vegetables and fruit.  "Limited" meaning that I am not eating meal-sized portions, rather, I am eating about one serving of each a fruit and vegetable daily. 

I have decided to fast for spiritual and personal reasons.  I am testing my will power.  I am replacing meal time with prayer and reflection.  I also want to cleanse my body. 

The last fast I attempted was in 2004.  It was a 3-day juice fast.  On the second day, I faltered.  I happened to be walking by the Burger King on Hoover when a huge force caused me to go inside and order a burger and fries. 

I certainly hope that does not happen this time. But if I do fall off the bandwagon at any point, I will get back on. 

Today, I have drank plenty of water.  It's 3:40 pm and I've had one serving of organic baby carrots.  I will eat a serving of organic blackberries when I get home.  I have been experiencing a "hunger headache" for about the past three hours.  But, fasts involve sacrifice.  A friend brought me a cream-filled homemade cupcake, but I was unable to eat it.  Other than the cupcake, my temptations today have been limited.  I think tomorrow will be much more challenging.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! im sure youll do fine! hopefully ur headaches dont persist...maybe consider eating more veggies if they do??? either way...im sure youll feel like a new person when your done!
